Four County Quilters Guild

25.00 USD/Year membership fee
403 S Main St., Mt. Airy, Maryland, 21771



Guild for quilters primarily from Carroll, Frederick, Howard, and Montgomery counties in Maryland (others living outside these areas are welcome). Members are involved in charity and philanthropic events, as well as support and host events such as guest speakers in person or via Zoom, biannual Quilt Bingo, Quilts in the Park Picnics, biannual Quilt Shows, Quilt Challenges, retreats, two "banquets" yearly and quilt items yard sales to name a few. Our members include eager beginners, as well as nationally recognized quilt award winners. We learn from one another and offer help to all.


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Upcoming Events


Four County Quilters Guild--Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 7 PM - 9 PM
Every Month on Second Tuesday
Calvary United Methodist Church
403 S Main St., Mt Airy , Maryland, 21771
Doors open at 6:30 for socializing, sign-ups for upcoming events, and short demos. Meeting begins at 7:00 and usually include a guest spea...