Meeting: Monthly Meeting in Florence on 02/05/2026

Monthly Meeting

Thursday, February 5, 2026 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Every Month on First Thursday
Swamp Fox Quilters
3053 East Crescent Circle, Florence, South Carolina, 29506



We meet the first Thursday of the month, EXCEPT July, at Pee Dee Shrine Club at 3053 E Crescent Circle in Florence. Meeting time is 9:30 am, and visitors are always welcome. We usually have monthly programs, and show and tell every meeting. We also have a work day on the third Thursday of the month (except July and Dec) for working on group or personal projects at same time and place. We have a yearly Raffle Quilt and a Guild challenge which usually hangs in an area museum. Our dues are $15.00 per calendar year. If you have questions, our public Facebook page ‘Swamp Fox Quilters’ is available. Come join us at our monthly meeting.


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