Australia Call For Charity Quilt Directory

call for charity quilts
 of australia

Many of us who quilt like quilting for charity.  We may pick any number of causes for our charity quilts, but charity quilting for many of us is highly rewarding.  Helping veterans, disabled, handicapped, less fortunate, ill, animals, mothers, children, fathers, pets, and areas hit by disaster are some of the most common reasons to call for charity quilts.

This page is designed to help bring together those quilting organizations, and the quilters by giving a central place where organizations can post a call for charity blocks or quilts in one centralized charity quilt directory.  Australia charity quilting organizations can easily post their call for charity quilts in the Australia charity quilt directory.

As a quilter, you can browse the list in the Australia charity quilt directory to find the causes that are nearest to your heart.  Please add any missing items.

List of Call For Charity Quilts In Australia